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A Non Toxic way to Keep Bed Bugs Away!

Writer's picture: It's Elementary!It's Elementary!

Elementary Pest Management is now providing customers the option of a non-toxic treatment for bed bugs called “Aprehend”

Aprehend is also applied as a proactive bed bug treatment in community and hospitality environments.

Aprehend is a revolutionary fungal biopesticide for the ELIMINATION and PREVENTION of bed bugs. Strategic barriers are applied in key areas where bed bugs are known to harbor after introduction. When bugs cross the barrier, they pick up Aprehend spores and go on to die of the fungal disease in 3 - 7 days. The long-lasting residual action of

Aprehend remains active for up to 3 months and ensures that any bed bugs introduced will pick up the spores and die before establishing an infestation.

Public perception is that bed bugs are indicators of dirt or lack of hygiene, but bed bugs are just as happy to establish an infestation in a meticulously clean property as they are a dirty place. In fact, their only association is with people, as they feed exclusively

on blood, and require the presence of a warmblooded host to complete their life cycle.

The Challenge bed bugs are a growing concern for property owners, public housing directors, and healthcare and hospitality professionals in all sectors. As

opportunistic hitchhikers they are easily carried on bags and clothing. In fact, it’s impossible for any facility that welcomes the general public to prevent

the introduction of bed bugs. Their ability to hide in minute cracks and crevices make early detection extremely difficult even by the most meticulous housekeepers.

Properties and community environments that will benefit from Aprehend Proactive Treatment:

• Multi-unit housing

• Rental properties

• Hotels, vacation homes and rentals

• Doctor’s offices and medical waiting rooms

• Long-term-care facilities

• Campgrounds

• Movie theatres

• Libraries

• Churches

Aprehend is ideal for proactive treatments:

• Up to 3-month residual

• High effectiveness, proven in the field

• Requires minimal preparation

• EPA-registered, non-toxic mode of action

• No chemical resistance by bed bugs

• Fast application

Call us today and keep the bed bugs away!

Elementary Pest Management


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